Archive for januar, 2009

Enda en helg ;)

Jobb jobb jobb og jobb!
Veldig moro med AC/DC tribute kveld med gutta fra DYNAMITE! Meget bra meget bra! Så da gjenstår d å se om e får være med på den «ekte» konserten 😛

Ikveld e d jobb igjen som vanlig, men neste lørdag tar det av!

A beautiful wedding <3

My god friends Jeanette and Frank got married 10.01.09, a wonderful couple 🙂

img_09061And the after-party was fun, and the wedding-cake delicious!

And here is some of my friends waiting for some alcohol 😛


And in the moment we took some pic of ourselfs ❤

img_1001And then some action pics from the wedding 🙂



And rest of the photos can you see at facebook 🙂

We wish for a happy life, Jeanette and Frank! *hugs*


Then it`s a  new year 🙂

New Years Eve was a blast


I m really glad to start a new year with my Olav ❤

And to day was Cecilie`s birthday 🙂 it was a fun day with eating out, desserts and a lot of laughing! LOVE IT!

Saturday is the BIG day for Jeanette and Frank, the wedding day! And I`m so excited, it`s my first wedding 🙂 I have a beatiful red dress and some cool shoes, and are shopping for a shirt to Olav in the morning. I think my man is going to look hot in a suit 🙂